An experiment in non-traditional & non-restrictive exhibitions
"Photo Graffiti/Boulder Is My Gallery" started with the simple idea that art should be accessible to all people, in any place, at any time; providing for a moment of inspiration, reflection, or removal from our daily rush. This idea, of course, is not a new one - graffiti artists have paved the way for all consequential artists in other mediums. These artists took a novel approach to expressing their ideas publicly and permanently, at least until someone else said something louder. Personally, the most alluring aspect of their medium is the unexpected locations that you can find it in... walk down an alley, look up at a pinnacle of a warehouse - it can be anywhere! Inspired by taggers in the various places I've lived, I wondered what the reception would be of tagging up a town with my ideas... my art. What would happen if traditionally framed and matted photographs showed up as street art?
Thanks to a generous grant by the Boulder Awesome Foundation, this project was realized in the spring of 2012. No permission was either solicited nor granted for any location. All mountings were non-destructive and somewhat weatherproof. All pieces were affixed with a "Please Steal After" date, to further involve the populous.
Thanks to a generous grant by the Boulder Awesome Foundation, this project was realized in the spring of 2012. No permission was either solicited nor granted for any location. All mountings were non-destructive and somewhat weatherproof. All pieces were affixed with a "Please Steal After" date, to further involve the populous.